Where you[th] Lead

We use movement as a medium to provide community & mentoring for ALL adolescents

Join our Peer Mentoring Program and be a part of creating a community for adolescents that is relatable, empowering & educative.

Our in person Mentoring & ‘Complete Wellbeing for Adolescents’ resources address our clientele’s Wellbeing & Health first and foremost.  Youth Led take a holistic approach to these areas – we do not approach them in isolation, instead we are aware of the interrelatedness that is always present. Find out more below. 

Youth Led started in Fitness and continues to have a presence in the industry. Our in person coaching and ‘At Home’ training material provide an experience that incorporates all components of wellbeing and fitness as they pertain to General Physical Development. Find out more below.

There are so many dynamics at play during adolescents that it can be tricky to navigate and manage for some. Therefore, it’s pivotal that educators can be a guide to adolescents during this time. But it’s not always easy for educators to know the right approach – that’s where Youth Led can help. Find out more below.

Not quite ready to book a call. No worries, you can click below to learn more about the services we offer and the value we can provide you. 

A call designed to give you an insight into the services we provide, as well as a chance for us to see how we can best provide value to you.

A Strength & Conditioning coach with a background in Health Science; Joel is forever learning and discovering, so that he is in the best possible position to guide our youth. Currently expanding his thinking to learn more about; psychology, communication & business, Joel believes these areas will help him develop more meaningful & productive relationships with the adolescents and athletes at Youth Led.

Youth Led Founder & Owner


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10 Lessons From 10 Years of Coaching Adolescents