Failure Recovery System for Youth Sports

What is a Failure Recovery System? In my words; it is a conscious routine designed to overcome errors and keep athletes present, and it requires the following 3 steps: Acknowledgement – that an error has been made Connection – with a teammate / coach Re Focus – something to prompt you to what is coming […]

Searching the outer to understand the inner

Throughout the start of this year I have noticed a trend. More and more people are talking about learning more about self. Some term it Self Awareness, others know thy self or connect with self, which ever term / phrase it is they are usually covering the same concepts which may include some of the […]

Physical Activity does not equal Sport

As I write this I do so with a great deal of passion, I truly do believe the title of this article. However, I find myself a little conflicted in my actions. The reason being, some of my roles, Strength & Conditioning coach & Basketball coach contribute to some of the issues I will elaborate […]

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