The Void between the Extremes of Movement

We have become very black & white when it comes to movement. It seems that most people are either ALL IN or ALL THE WAY OUT. What does ALL IN look like? It is the ‘athlete’ trying to eke out every bit of potential they can with regard to their sport, the ‘gym junkie’ trying […]

Hinge: Dynamic SLSL Deadlift

The Dynamic SLSL Deadlift is a great way to develop the musculature of the Hamstrings & Glutes, especially during the lengthening phase of a movement and during high speeds. It is quite an advanced exercise so ensure competency with the previous variations before giving this one a try. Prescription Options:

Hinge: Reaching SLSL Deadlift

The Reaching SLSL Deadlift is a great way to develop the musculature of the Hamstrings & Glutes, as well as being opportunity to lengthen all throughout your back, but especially the mid – upper region. It is quite a challenging movement to maintain stability with, so take your time. The stick is optional, but regardless […]

Hinge: B – Stance w/ Dowell

The B – Stance is a great way to develop the musculature of the Hamstrings & Glutes. It is a great way to begin to introduce the stimulus of a single leg movement, without having to worry about balancing. Again, the stick is optional, but recommended, especially now that you have other variables to consider, […]

Hinge: Standing w/ Dowell

The Standing Hinge is a great way to develop the musculature of the Hamstrings & Glutes. It is a progression from the Kneeling variation & adds in another variable to consider – controlling your Knees during the down phase. Again, the stick is optional, but recommended, especially now that you have other variables to consider, […]

Hinge: Kneeling w/ Dowell

The Hinge movement is similar to the Hip Lift series in the sense that they’re all Hip dominant movements. The Kneeling variation is a great way to develop the musculature of the Hamstrings & Glutes. It is quite a simple exercise and provides a nice introduction to the movement series. The stick is optional (but […]

Calf Accessories: Bounces

The Bounces are one of my favorites and are great for so many reasons. Like the other movements they are a great way to develop the musculature of the Calves and (even more so than the others) stability and stiffness at the Ankle joint (which is a very prone area for Sprains). On top of […]

Calf Accessories: Bent Knee Calf Raises

The Bent Knee Calf Raises are a great way to develop the musculature of the Calves (more specifically the Soleus, which is the lower and deeper of the two Calf muscles – the previous variants trains the Gastrocnemius), as well as stability at the Ankle joint (which is a very prone area for Sprains). Mixing […]

Calf Accessories: SL Calf Raises

The SL Calf Raise is a great way to develop the musculature of the Calves, as well as stability at the Ankle joint (which is a very prone area for Sprains). Very quickly this movement will get much more challenging when compared to the DL variation. Therefore, the volume doesn’t have to be quite as […]

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