Hip Lift: Shoulders Elevated Hip Lift

Shoulders Elevated Hip Lift - frame at 0m1s

The Shoulders Elevated Hip Lift is a great way to develop the musculature around the hips, specifically the Glutes & to a lesser extent the Hamstrings (whilst also releasing the Quadriceps & Hip Flexors at the front of the legs). The Double Leg Bridge (and the Hip Lift movements which will follow) also provides a great opportunity to learn about creating a neutral Pelvis and brings awareness to what an arched, rounded, and aligned lumbar spine feels like.

This movement is very similar to the Double Leg Bridge; however, the added demand is the increased range of motion throughout the movement.

Prescription Options:

  • The Shoulders Elevated Hip Lift can be implemented within your training routine as a medium to develop the components mentioned above.
  • They can also be used as a ‘Priming’ exercise during a warmup before training or competitions.
  • If you’d like more specific detail on how best, you can implement the Shoulders Elevated Hip Lift then click on the ‘Help’ button and get in contact with us today.

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